New Oscott Primary School

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Assessment at New Oscott Primary School


Our Assessment Intent

Our intent at New Oscott Primary School is to produce independent and successful learners who are able to make links to their prior knowledge and can apply these. 

We encourage our children to be creative, imaginative and develop a lifetime love of learning. We believe the key purpose of assessment is to move children on in their learning in order for them to be ready for the next stage, from their individual starting point. Continued monitoring of each child's progress gives a clear picture of what each child is doing and supports identification of their next steps.

Through assessing, recording and reporting on pupils’ work, we aim to:

  • Give pupils feedback on their achievements and areas for development, so that they can learn more effectively and made good or better progress
  • Enable pupils to achieve 
  • Identify pupils at risk of falling behind or not making the desired progress to enable a package of support to be planned
  • Stakeholders have a clear understanding of the journey to Age Related Expectations or Greater Depth judgements across the school
  • Inform planning
  • Involve pupils and their parents/carers in their learning
  • Provide our school with information to evaluate teaching and learning
  • Provide the senior leaders and governors with a critical self-evaluation of the school.
Statutory Assessments

Summative assessments are used at identified points to assess what a child can do at a particular time, and are submitted to the Local Authority and Department for Education as required. The outcomes of these assessment points are shared with parents.

The following Statutory assessments take place at New Oscott Primary School:

  • Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (summer term June)
  • Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (June)
  • End of Key Stage 1 Assessments SATs – Year 2 (May)
  • Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4 (June )
  • End of Key Stage 2 Assessments SATs (May)

Outcomes of statutory assessments are shared with parents in their child's annual written report in July. 

Additional information is shared regularly with parents and carers during termly parents' evenings in the Autumn and Spring Terms. There is an opportunity in the Summer term for parents/carers to discuss their child's written report with teachers should they wish. 


Additional information about how we support pupils at our school by visiting the year group pages, there are also lots of ideas and links to resources for parents and carers wanting to support their child's learning and development. 


Please click on the link below for New Oscott Primary School - Pupil Outcomes:

Data Information Sheet - July 2023