New Oscott Primary School

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We have an excellent Parents’ Association called NOSPA (New Oscott School Parents’ Association) which actively supports our school by organising fund raising and social events to provide extra resources for the benefit of the children.

In recent years, NOSPA has funded the pirate ship at the front of school, sound systems in both halls, ipads, a shelter for the Year 6 playground, bikes and trikes for Nursery and Reception - and many other resources to support learning throughout the school. 

This year we welcome parents Mrs Holroyd and Mrs Yates, who are jointly sharing the post of Chair of NOSPA, our Parents’ Association.

They are always looking for new parent volunteers to join their enthusiastic and friendly team. They are also open to new fundraising ideas.

If you would like to join NOSPA or can help at any of our events please contact NOSPA:

Email -

Facebook - NOSPA Facebook page