New Oscott Primary School

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Welcome to our Maths Curriculum

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check Parent meeting

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Multiplication Tables Check meeting - 5th May 2022


Maths – We are Mathematicians

Our core values are at the heart of our Maths curriculum which is under-pinned by our agreed principles and beliefs.

At New Oscott Primary School, we aim to inspire the mathematicians of tomorrow through giving the children opportunities to learn in wider contexts enabling them to make connections and equip them for the wider world.

Our Maths Intent

Children will have a deep understanding of each objective and this will be gained through purposeful and precise inputs, developmental questioning, pictorial representations, small variations, manipulatives, effective scaffolding, fluency practise and challenging problem solving. The Maths Mastery approach enables children to ‘master’ their year group objectives and apply these in different contexts in order to reason and problem solve efficiently and confidently. Children will be self-aware of their capabilities; being able to choose an activity suitable for their abilities whilst also providing an appropriate level of challenge. Through both procedural and conceptual fluency, children will be able to apply their maths learning in wider contexts through making connections in order to equip them for the wider world.

Implementation - how do we plan and teach Maths?

In Nursery, children are exposed to number, shape, space and measure within the expectations of their curriculum. This is seen through free flow, independent learning as well as group and whole class teaching. 

In Reception, the mastery approach is adopted by focussing on one number per week and exploring this in depth ie, writing, counting, 1:1 correspondence. 

In KS1 (Years 1 - 2), the ‘concrete->pictorial->abstract’ method is used to teach new concepts and the children are moved on at a steady yet appropriate pace. Challenge levels bronze, silver, gold are used in lessons and after teacher input, children are encouraged to choose their own challenge level. This is also the same in KS2 (Years 3-4) 

In Years 5 and 6, concrete resources are used to support lower attainers to consolidate gaps in their learning. Pictorial and abstract representations are used consistently to teach new objectives. 

Developing the children's mathematical vocabulary is crucial and ensuring that children have the opportunity to explore all elements of the maths mastery approach is key in our planning process. Flexibility in lessons allows for children's learning to move forward as they receive feedback on their learning. In Phases 1 and 2, teachers are using ‘live’ marking in Maths lessons. This is so the children are receiving instant feedback on their learning as well as written developmental next steps. 

Sentence stems, variations, example and non-examples are used throughout the school to reinforce concepts and address any misconceptions.

Our curriculum is based around The White Rose scheme of learning.  Our curriculum builds upon prior learning and introduces new concepts gradually using a ‘small steps’ approach. Concepts are taught in a progressive sequences that allow pupils to develop their fluency skills before applying them in different contexts.

Impact - what does progress look like? 

In Phases 1 and 2, the maths marking policy has been updated and teachers are using ‘live’ marking in maths lessons. This enables the children to receive instant feedback on their learning as well as written developmental next steps in order to make progress in real time. 

Fluency- Children of all abilities are exposed to varied fluency questions, which engages them and has enabled challenge for all.

Reasoning- Children can accurately use mathematical terms to justify and explain their thinking. Children across phases will use consistent and progressive vocabulary in order to support them when explaining their reasoning and mathematical thinking. 

Problem Solving- Children are to develop confidence with their problem solving as they are exposed to questioning that encourages them to think creatively and apply methods effectively.

When our children leave New Oscott, a good learner in Maths will…

Have a deep and secure timetables knowledge.

Be able to apply their learning to different contexts.

Have a strong number sense and be able to manipulate numbers mentally. 

Reason and problem solve efficiently and confidently. 

Children will be able to apply their maths learning in wider contexts through making connections in order to equip them for the wider world.  

Be self-aware of their capabilities and challenge themselves appropriately.

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A copy of the programmes of study can be found below.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Mathematics - Appendix 1